Staff training

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1st staff training in Limassol, Cyprus – The Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship in Education

The two Cypriot schools’ coordinators, Antigoni Komodiki and Anastasia Kapari are specialized in the fields of „Social Entrepreneurship“ and „Arts and CLIL“ accordingly. This Joint Staff Training Event gave the chance to all school coordinators to know more about the topics in the beginning of the program. The Joint Staff training event had a great added value to the project’s objectives as the trainers reached.

  • Definition of Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship
  • Objectives of Social Entrepreneurial education
  • Implementation of the suggested activities
  • Development of initiative, creativity, innovation and risk taking
  • Exploring the different aspects that entrepreneurial learning covers, and the different areas of applicability (from personal development to active participation in society)
  • Becoming familiar with challenge-based learning, by engaging students to learn while facing real-life problems and situations.
  • Learning how to build bridges between education and labour market.
  • Gaining insights into well-grounded Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) practice in the Arts Lessons
  • Gaining insights into how entrepreneurship education and CLIL can support each other
  • Discovering the ways cultural heritage enriches our everyday life in countless ways
  • Realizing the important role of cultural heritage in shaping our cultural identity.
  • Examination of the way culture connects to entrepreneurship and suggest ways of embracing cultural entrepreneurship

During the meeting in Limassol, the coordinators defined the development plan and arranged the final dates for activities.

To meet Limassol in a cultural level, the partner visited the old town of Limassol with a specialized guide and the Pantehis Pottery, so they saw the operation management of a cultural enterprise.